Table of Contents

Project administration

Mailing lists


Member-only posting

To reduce spam, the ipxe-devel mailing list is configured to hold mails sent by non-members for moderator approval.

The iPXE policy for moderator approvals is straightforward:

The goal is to eliminate all spam via the list, while minimising the burden of moderation.

github integration

A github user ipxe-devel is configured to receive github notifications at the address, in order that github pull requests end up being forwarded to the ipxe-devel mailing list. The list is configured to automatically accept mails with a sender address matching ^[^@]+@reply\.github\.com$, to avoid the need for every github-originated message to be manually moderated.

Commit log messages

The iPXE policy for commit log messages is:

Forum moderation and administration

The forum at should be moderated regularly using this process: