Table of Contents

Build architecture setting




Type String
DHCP option number not applicable
ISC dhcpd syntax not applicable


Display the build architecture

  iPXE> show buildarch
  builtin/buildarch:string = i386


Specifies the CPU architecture for which this version of iPXE was compiled. Possible values are:

i386 32-bit x86 CPU
x86_64 64-bit x86 CPU
arm32 32-bit ARM CPU
arm64 64-bit ARM CPU

See also


The build architecture does not necessarily represent the architecture of the machine on which iPXE is running. In particular, a version of iPXE built for i386 may be running on a 64-bit machine. You can use the cpuid command to determine the architecture of the current machine:

  cpuid --ext 29 && set arch x86_64 || set arch i386