Display certificates


  certstat [--subject <subject>]


Display all certificates


Display certificates matching the subject "forum.ipxe.org"

  certstat --subject forum.ipxe.org


Display details of the specified certificates in the certificate store. If no subject name is specified, iPXE will display details of all stored certificates.

The output will show key information about each certificate. For example:

  iPXE> certstat
  iPXE root CA : 9b04dd0795e78dae540d550281065f203c9afd42 [VALIDATED]
  www.fensystems.co.uk : 9a56b9dd964aeaa1c42e93dada9b1bdf2f31d5f7 [VALIDATED]

In this example you can see that there are two stored certificates, both of which have been validated. The subject common names and SHA-1 fingerprints are shown for each certificate.

There are several flags that may appear for each certificate:

[VALIDATED] The certificate has been validated.
[PERMANENT] The certificate was embedded into iPXE at build time.
[EXPLICIT] The certificate was added explicitly using the certstore command.

See also

Build options

This command is available only when the build option CERT_CMD is enabled.


The --subject option will match against the certificate's Common Name and any Subject Alternative Names, if present.

cmd/certstat.txt · Last modified: 2016/08/31 16:47 by mcb30
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