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Attach SAN device


  sanhook [--drive <drive>] [--no-describe] <uri>


Attach an iSCSI target


Check ability to attach a SAN target

  sanhook ${root-path} && sanunhook || echo Could not attach ${root-path}

Attach a SAN target and then boot an installer held on another target

  sanhook --drive 0x81 ${root-path}
  sanboot --no-describe


Attach the specified SAN target URI as the specified SAN drive. If no SAN drive is explicitly specified then the default SAN drive (0x80) will be used.

The SAN drive will be described via an appropriate mechanism (such as an iBFT for an iSCSI drive) unless the --no-describe option is specified.

Command status

Success The SAN target was successfully attached
Failure The SAN target was not successfully attached

See also


If you wish to attach to multiple SAN targets, each target must be attached as a different SAN drive.

cmd/sanhook.1332621066.txt.gz ยท Last modified: 2012/03/24 20:31 by mcb30
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