Create interactive form


  form [--name <name>] [--delete] [<title>]


Configure IPv4 networking

  form                Configure IPv4 networking on ${netX/mac}
  item netX/ip        IPv4 address
  item netX/netmask   Subnet mask
  item netX/gateway   Gateway address
  item dns            DNS server address

Configure TFTP server

  form                TFTP
  item next-server    Server IPv4 address
  item filename       Filename

Create a named form

  form --name tftp TFTP server address

Delete a named form

  menu --name tftp --delete


Create an interactive form with the specified name and title. If no name is specified, the default (unnamed) form will be created.

If the --delete option is specified, the form will be deleted.

Command status

Success The form was successfully created
Failure The form was not successfully created

See also


Forms are automatically deleted by the present command. You do not generally need to explicitly delete a form.

cmd/form.txt ยท Last modified: 2024/06/21 17:35 by mcb30
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