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Configuration settings

iPXE provides access to a variety of configuration settings. You can browse and edit these settings interactively using the interactive configuration tool:

The interactive configuration tool

You can also access these settings from the command line or from within an iPXE script. For example, you can display the current IP address as obtained via DHCP:

  iPXE> show net0/ip
  net0.dhcp/ip:ipv4 =

or configure a static IP address:

  iPXE> set net0/ip
  iPXE> set net0/netmask
  iPXE> set net0/gateway
  iPXE> route
  net0: gw

or download and boot an operating system based upon the system UUID:



Configuration settings are arranged in a logical hierarchy of settings scopes:

Settings hierarchy

The easiest way to explore the hierarchy is to use the interactive configuration tool. You can also use the set, show, and clear commands to explore the effects of changing settings at various levels of the hierarchy.

For example, suppose that you have obtained a boot filename via DHCP:

  iPXE> dhcp net0
  DHCP (net0 52:54:00:12:34:56).... ok
  iPXE> show filename
  net0.dhcp/filename:string =

You can override this boot filename by configuring an alternative boot filename in the top level settings scope:

  iPXE> set filename vmlinuz
  iPXE> show filename
  filename:string = vmlinuz

The original boot filename (net0.dhcp/filename) still exists, but is overridden by the filename set in the top level scope:

  iPXE> show net0.dhcp/filename
  net0.dhcp/filename:string =
  iPXE> show net0/filename
  net0.dhcp/filename:string =
  iPXE> show filename
  filename:string = vmlinuz

Settings configured in a parent scope will always take precedence over any equivalent settings configured in a child scope. The priority setting can be used to determine precedence between scopes at the same level of the hierarchy.


Each configuration setting has an associated type. For example, the boot filename has the type string, and the IPv4 default gateway address has the type ipv4.

You can observe the type of a setting using the show command:

  iPXE> show filename
  filename:string = vmlinuz

You can specify the type of a newly-created setting by including the type within the setting's name:

  iPXE> set myvar:ipv4
  iPXE> show myvar
  myvar:ipv4 =

Settings are stored internally as arrays of bytes. You can observe the raw byte array by choosing to interpret the setting using the type hex:

  iPXE> show filename
  filename:string = vmlinuz
  iPXE> show filename:hex
  filename:hex = 76:6d:6c:69:6e:75:7a


settings.1377195055.txt.gz ยท Last modified: 2013/08/22 18:10 by mcb30
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